Restore Balance, Find Your Strength, and Feel Fulfilled with Somatic Healing

Nourish Your Mind-Body Connection to Overcome Burnout and Overwhelm, and Bring Joy Back into Your Life

It feels like your body and mind are working against you. This is holding you back from feeling content and connected.

Maybe you’re:

  • Shutting down or lashing out, whether there’s a huge conflict or a small setback.

  • Lacking clarity about what you want or constantly wavering because you lack confidence in your ability to make decisions.

  • Overwhelmed and burned out, so you’re not enjoying your career, relationships, or free time. 

  • Anxious and depressed without any idea of how to move forward.  

  • Feeling unfulfilled despite meeting your professional goals. Or stuck and struggling to get to the next level.

  • Experiencing physical pain and discomfort that further hold you back from success and happiness. 

You know you're technically connected to your body, so why does it feel like it has a mind of its own? You know this isn’t how it’s supposed to be. 

Well, you’re right.

If you want to regain control and step into the life you deserve, working with a somatic healing practitioner might be exactly what you need.

Dive into my somatic healing offerings here.  

“Since we started working together, my life has begun to become unstuck. I am sleeping better and when challenges arise in my life, I am able to regulate myself using the tools that Amy taught me.”

What is Somatic Healing Anyway?

It’s a collection of techniques focused on healing and fortifying your mind-body connection. 

Let’s get into what that means for you. 

Your body holds a lot. You know what it takes on physically. It also takes on your thoughts and emotions – both pleasant and unpleasant. Some say that time heals everything, but your body tends to hold onto experiences, especially those that are particularly stressful or traumatic. 

Listening to and trusting your body, as well as being able to stay grounded and connected with your physical and emotional responses when stress arises, isn’t easy to do.

And this isn’t the only challenge. 

Your body might be stuck in a revolving door of stress and counterproductive responses. Your fight or flight mode is supposed to protect you, but at this point, it’s hurting you more than helping you. 

And sometimes talking about your experiences doesn’t do the trick or it’s retraumatizing for you.  

You might be aware of certain responses, but have no idea how to restore balance and manage stress.  As a result, your body takes over and you're unable to cope, move forward, and be present at home and at work. 

Certain reactions are normal, but they also usually indicate there's something deeper going on. You might benefit from somatic healing if:

  • You feel a heightened sense of fear when you’re asked to step outside of your comfort zone.

  • You can hear your heartbeat in your ears, your body tenses, and your hands get clammy when you make a small mistake. 

  • You’re unable to handle conflict without falling apart mentally and physically. 

  • Your body alerts you to threats that aren’t there. 

Somatic healing nurtures your connection with your body so you can: 

  • Gain self-awareness and learn how to cope with stress. 

  • Feel confident in who you are and what you want out of life. 

  • Build resiliency and embrace all of your emotions. 

  • Develop sustainable habits that help you feel better.

  • Understand yourself and know what you need to feel safe and grounded.

My goal is for you to leave our somatic healing sessions with newfound confidence in your capacity to connect with yourself, others, and your environment. 

You can learn to be present in the face of difficult circumstances and live in a way that's aligned with your values and desires.

“Be prepared to do more listening to your body and less talking, which is always a challenge for me because I love to talk. But then also be prepared for it to be almost magical in how much better you feel after really listening to your body!”

Can you relate to one or more of these experiences?

Disconnected and Overwhelmed

  • Experiencing emotional outbursts because you’re not tuned into what you’re feeling and why.

    Getting frequent headaches or having digestive issues at the first sign of conflict or stress.

    Avoiding facing your problems because you aren’t confident in your ability to solve them in a healthy way.

    Struggling to adapt to changes and deal with minor, or major, stresses.

    Unable to be present and connected while spending time with friends and family.

Ability to become:

Calm and Confident

  • Forming secure personal and professional relationships where you can express your needs, set boundaries, and handle conflict – instead of it handling you.

    Taking things one step at a time and appreciating the process.

    Setting goals that support your values.

    Trusting yourself to handle change and stress.

Burned Out and Ashamed

  • Overextending yourself to please others instead of tuning in to what you actually want.

    Lashing out at others and feeling guilty afterwards because your exhaustion and built-up resentment take over.

    Having trouble sleeping even though you're exhausted because your mind is racing and you can't shake your anxiety.

    Blaming yourself for every setback or mistake and refusing to ask for help.

    Engaging in activities that harm your mental and physical health.

Ability to become:

Intentional and Balanced

  • Accepting challenges and seeking out opportunities for growth.

    Delegating and asking for help when you need it.

    Viewing your mistakes as an opportunity to improve.

    Developing healthy habits that boost your mental and physical well-being.

Stuck and Afraid

  • Feeling lazy or incompetent when you're actually terrified of failing and can't move past your fear.

    Experiencing intense physical symptoms when you're afraid, such as your heart beating quickly, tension in your muscles, and overall discomfort.

    Not pursuing your highest potential because you lack confidence in yourself and your abilities.

    Spending all of your energy on worrying and having none left for your career, relationships, and hobbies.

    Unable to take steps that would improve your environment and health, such as cleaning your house or applying to jobs.

Ability to become:

Fulfilled and Aligned

  • Experiencing fulfillment in your daily life.

    Finding meaning and joy in the highs and handling the lows without losing yourself.

    Balancing your personal and professional passions.

    Feeling renewed and motivated in everything you do.

If you have other seemingly uncontrollable physical or emotional symptoms that feel too overwhelming to manage, you don't have to accept them as permanent.

If there’s anything I’ve learned from my experience with somatic healing it’s that there’s more than one side to all of us.

I won’t put you into a box. My coaching style is individually tailored and I meet you wherever you are.

You’re in charge of your growth. And I’m here to help you get there.

We’ll Find What Works for You, Together

Sometimes therapy or coaching is mistaken for someone telling you exactly what to do and when to do it. 

That’s not how I work. And that’s not how somatic coaching is meant to work.

After all, only you can feel what’s going on in your mind and body. You know you best. 

You’re in the driver’s seat, and I’m your navigation system. 

You choose what you share, what you want to try, and how much you want to explore.

My somatic healing processes ease you in and out of comfort and discomfort to strengthen your relationship with your emotions and your body’s responses. 

I know it sounds a bit scary. 

But I meet you where you are while slowly creating more flexibility and resiliency in your nervous system.

The goal isn’t to eliminate anxiety and other uncomfortable physical responses completely. You’re human, so having this expectation for yourself is unfair. The goal of my somatic coaching approach is to help you feel better, but also to become better at feeling. 

We’ll improve your ability to manage your emotions and physical responses, so they don’t back you into a corner. 

Disclaimer: My somatic healing services are not medical care. They aren’t a replacement for psychotherapy or clinical care. If you’ve experienced trauma or need specialized therapy, somatic coaching can be a great complementary healing experience.